Sunday, January 31, 2010

making a research and doing conclusion those who think its a beginning to everything.
i will not settle down untill i doing this research and got the conclusion.
i have a target.a Big target.
i wont make same things twice.or maby repeatly..

like famous quote says,safety first!!! haha!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

A level or.........

Unfortunately im not the A-level person.
no.not just think.
think outside the box.



yes! i am not the A-level!
im different.

but this difference that kept me going.
going futher and look others down below.
im not going to rush to that level which everyone mad for.
im going to other league.

kadang kala xperlu meniru untuk berjaya.tetapkan matlamat anda.pedulikan dengan kelainan anda.apa yang anda impikan.dengan kebenaran Tuhan,usaha, mungkin semuanya akan tercapai.

Friday, January 22, 2010

nothing special

ive look at u.there's nothing special.seriously!
u just go round and round and round.
nothing special.nothing inprogress.
oh i see,its ur world.i should not say or think like that.
ok.if u dare.let's go out of your fairy tale world.
and come to my real we can see how fucking shit u screwed up!!

sori langgar janji diri.xbuat lg.

sekelip mata


this and many more.

why now?

is this a test or just lucky me?


alhamdulillah dengan jayanya setel sudah project (shut down) paling besar di dunia untuk industri yang aku ceburi ini.
dengan jujurnya aku begitu emotional pada hari terakhir projek tersebut.
sibuk memikirkan dua bulan bersama rakan yg hebat,berbilang bangsa,perangai,pengalaman yang diperoleh sepanjang waktu ini.
tidak sangka aku mampu bekerja serta menyerap segala tekanan yg mencabar minda dan tubuh ini.

ya.berbaloi.semua ini lumayan.dan aku dah tau ape selepas ini untuk aku.

i have a dream to remember